
An Evidential Mediumship reading (30-60 minutes) connects you with friends and loved ones who have passed to spirit. It is my intention to show the continuation of life through detailed evidence, memories, and information that can only have come from your loved ones.

“Evidence: the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief is true or valid.”


Firstly, ensure that you are in a quiet, safe, place free from distractions, interruptions, and loud noises.

I will prepare for your reading by meditating and raise my consciousness to a higher level. Just before the reading starts I will open in a few words to solidify a sacred environment.

Ask your loved ones in spirit to join us. It is common for numerous communicators to come through during the reading, however, I will always do my very best to reach those you would most like to reconnect with.

Sacred environment

Your reading is a beautiful sacred moment between you and your loved ones. Know that your loved ones are still with you and only a thought away. If you feel uncomfortable during the reading, you may stop the reading at any time.

How to get the most out of a reading

Your loved ones will be excited to connect with you and will provide you with a lot of information. Confirm what information you can understand but please do not give away any additional information. It’s normal to fill in the details, rather, confirm what you understand and let me bring the evidence to you.

Take Notes

Information often comes through that you might not be able to place during your reading, taking notes will help you reflect back and see the evidence that you might have missed.

Mediumship via Zoom

All readings are conducted through Zoom. A link will be sent to you prior to your appointment. Please check your technology and internet access 10 mins prior to the scheduled time. If you are having a connection issue email me.

Please be on time for your appointment. A 5-minute grace period will be given, after this time a reading could be canceled or rescheduled depending on the circumstances.

Readings on zoom can be recorded and the link can be sent to you. The link will only be viable for a short period of time please take notes or download. Note that the recording, with your permission, can be used for my development purposes and can be viewed by my mentor. Your information or recording will not be shared with anyone else.

Regarding questions

Please leave your questions towards the end of the reading. If you do not have additional needs the reading will end and we will spend a moment to thank your loved ones.